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Led by over 25 years professional experience Entrepreneur and his wife,


Believe & Dance Studio has been offering a successful and unique after school program for kids from different ethnicity for over 13 years now. In studio, they learn to dance as a main subject as well as practice fitness healthy exercises to stay active and keep up with healthy lifestyle for their minds and bodies. They also got encouraged to bond with other kids and to promote teamwork helping each other out. Best of all, our kids always show their interest to learn more social and leadership skills.


We are proud to announce the commencement of our tutoring program. Introducing BD Educational Center. What sets our tutoring program apart is its focus on nurturing the artistic minds of children who approach learning differently. We understand that creating the right environment is crucial for encouraging and connecting with these young minds.


Imagine unlocking your child's potential by providing an avenue where their passion for dance or singing can translate into improved focus and academic success. Join us in shaping a brighter future for the next generation, where creativity and academic excellence go hand in hand.

BD Educational Center, nơi mà chúng tôi không chỉ giảng dạy về nghệ thuật mà còn hướng dẫn trẻ em về lễ phép, giáo dục toàn diện, và giá trị của thể thao.


Ở đây, chúng tôi không chỉ nhấn mạnh lễ phép như một quy tắc ứng xử, mà còn coi đó là cơ hội để trẻ con phát triển kỹ năng giao tiếp, tôn trọng, sự tự tin cùng với giáo dục về thể thao và kỷ luật sống.


Chúng tôi tin rằng việc kết hợp nghệ thuật, giáo dục, thể thao và kỷ luật sống sẽ giúp xây dựng một nền tảng vững chắc cho tương lai của con em bạn.


Hãy cùng chúng tôi bước vào hành trình của sự phát triển toàn diện. Believe & Dance Educational Center - nơi học về nghệ thuật, cuộc sống, thể thao và kỷ luật sống, một bước chuyển đổi tích cực."


A few big concerns nowadays for Kids are Anti-Social, Bullying, Anxiety and Depression. What we have seen at our studio over the years was the important aspect of dancing to help the kids build more confidence, not to be shy in public and actively involve with other social activities. They also understand the importance of uniting as a team and helping each other. We believe that our teaching methods and useful activities in our studio have a positive influence to help kids growing physical and mentally healthy.


BEYOND DANCE will help all the kids to practice and promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage them to realize the importance of giving, sharing and helping one another to make our world a better place. Today, we are proud to share with you the little story about one of our special students who overcame her anxiety and gained more confidence after joining our studio for a few years. She has learnt how to express herself through dancing and has applied it to express herself in real life. This is the example of our Mission that we are always focusing on: BEYOND DANCING


© 2023 by Believe and Dance Studio

Allie D.

With less than a month's time, my husband and I needed to find a dance instructor for our wedding's first dance. Unfamiliar with rhythm, style, and grace, we called Believe & Dance Studio on a random weekday to ask if they would be willing to take on the arduous task of choreographing our chosen song. Although the hours of operation says they're open until 6 pm, they were open that day for practice much longer and we were able to come by after hours to get a feel for the dance studio.

The beginning: We met with Thanh and explained our unique situation, hoping he would take on this task and help us configure a dance with so little time. To this day, I don't know what he saw in us but he took a leap of faith and agreed knowing full-well that we had limited schedules and dance classes would have to be late at night a couple times a week. Did I mention that he was expecting his second child in two weeks' time yet he took us on??!

Fast forward to a few of our first lessons: it was incredible that he was able to read our body language and decipher our personalities and our relationship dynamic based on a few lessons. With much enthusiasm and attention to detail, he was able to put together a choreographed dance that spoke to our marriage and style.

Towards the end: sadly, and at no fault of Thanh, my husband and I were not able to finish our last couple of classes so we personally had to ad hoc the introduction and ending but the result when performed in front of our audience and guests on our wedding day was...magical. All eyes were on us and they gasped and applauded with every step. Thanh, of course, checked in to make sure everything went well.

Take-away: Just like the name of the Studio, Thanh believed in us and what we could achieve from day-one, even with our limitations in scheduling. He has an innate ability to read and tailor dances to the style of the individual or couple. At the end, we didn't just learn how to dance but Thanh instilled invaluable lessons, not just in our dance steps, but also in life. Our dance lessons also became therapeutic as he weaved life lessons into each class. I truly believed he did not come into our lives just to teach us how to side-step, shuffle or dip, but also as a instructor who listened, cared and guided. So thank you, Thanh, for BELIEVING in us and what we could, and was able to, achieve.

​Rebecca C.

Alright, I previously wrote a 5-star review for Thanh as my Beauty Pageant dancing Instructor, but now I am back to give another 5-star and well-received review for Thanh as my wedding dance producer and instructor.

I didnt hesitate to reach out to Thanh when it came time to learn my wedding dance. Except this time, I thought things might be different because we are adding my husband to the mix. My husband had absolute no dancing experience, and even when we go clubbing he's that white guy who cant dance. So naturally my expectation for the wedding dance was lower.

Yet Thanh delivers again. But instead of telling you how amazing he is, I am going to say exactly what he will do for you:

1. Production Value - Thanh is a master in producing, executing, and creating events like weddings or concerts. He knows exactly what the audience wants and how to captivate their attention. So from the very beginning, he wanted to create a dance that is memorable and mesmerizing. Don't come to Thanh if you just want to learn steps for a dance that you can learn on Youtube, come to Thanh to create a Dancing With the Stars worthy first dance that you will show your grandchildren and the cat next door.

For Example: The dance he created for me had a story that matched my venue (castle-like). My first dance song was a unconventional "I put a Spell On You" - it had that dark romantic vibe I wanted. Thanh knew exactly what to do and create a dance where I was under spell and woken by my prince (husband lol). And we fell in love through the magic spell in the dance under the stars with castle-like background. Multiple friends and family said this was the coolest first dance they've seen. My dad send my dance video to our relatives oversea and they watched it so many times and even analyze the story lol.

2. The Expert - Thanh has so much experience in this industry that he will go beyond what you paid him for. He considers how you will look during your wedding, making sure as you dance, you practice your posture and stance for the photos. He considers the timing of entertainment, making sure your timeline make senses for you and your guests. He considered what hair your husband should wear and what dress you will be wearing, making sure you will both look and FEEL your best on your wedding day.

For Example: Both my husband and I both slouch with bad posture. He recognized that and corrected us consistently. He told us multiple times that we need to have good posture to look good in our wedding photo. And he was right, compared to out engagement photo, we look bombed in our wedding photos. My sister said we were such good models for out wedding photographer because we knew how to elongate our body, neck and twist out waist (me) a certain way that looks soft, romantic, but also strong. We wouldnt have paid attention to all these if it wasnt for Thanh and his advices.

3. Dancing Technique - Thanh is such an expert in all kinds of dances that he knows your limit the first time he meets you. He can watch you do few things and know what you need to practice, and how to practice, and how long it will take to get to a certain level. I've found this to be one of the most amazing skill Thanh offers. Thanh will adjust the level of steps and turns depending on the overall production value, your level of expertise, and how much time you have. This allows him and you to create the most fitting and WOWing first dance in the time and budget you have in an efficient manner.

For example - My husband and I have very different dancing level, I've dance Salsa with Thanh for my beauty pageant a few years back, but my husband has no experience at all. Not even getting low at the clubs. But Thanh knew how to work with our different skill sets and blend them together for one perfect dance. However, from an audience's perspective they won't see the different skill sets, they just see a wonderfully choreographed dance where the two partners blend in as one. We both equally contributed to the dance in different way, and this was the genius of Thanh. We actually did not one but TWO dances for our wedding, Viennese Waltz and Scottish Highland Dance. He knew exactly how to choreographed and taught us both in 6 weeks.  My Mother-In-Law later asked me what have I done with her son, because that man doing the Viennese Waltz was unrecognizable :D

Overall, I would say working with Thanh is best if you really want an unforgettable wedding, if you really want friends and family keep coming to you with compliments, and last but not least, if you want to have fun and create something amazing together with your partner!

Evan A.

April 4, 2023 was my teenage daughter's one-year anniversary with the studio. Before, I was a concerned parent because her spirit was not in a good place. But amazingly and thankfully, dancing at this studio has freed and unleashed her spirit. One of the best decisions I've made as a parent!

Thank you to the entire Believe & Dance Studio community for helping shape who my daughter is becoming!

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